Friday, May 23, 2008

Fields of Sunflowers

There are so many sunflowers blooming right now on the hills behind our house. I found the perfect sunflower patch last week and had to get out there and snap some photos. Thanks Bethany for lending me your daughters. Amanda and Noami did a great job!

ISO 200 shot at 1/200 sec. @ f8 with a modified"Vindauga Vintage" action

ISO 200 shot at 1/200 sec. @ f8

ISO 200 1/160 sec. @ f6.3 with "Toy Camera" action

Same picture as above without the action

ISO 200 1/100 sec. @f5.3

ISO 200 1/200 sec. @f8

ISO 200 1/200 sec. @f10

ISO 200 1/200 sec. @f7

ISO 200 1/125 sec. f5.6

Iso 200 1/200 sec. f8

ISO 200 1/200 sec. @f8

ISO 200 1/200 sec. @f8

1 comment:

Bethany said...

They look great! The girls had fun with that, so thanks again!